Social Media Consent *LIVE* 


SMC is a 7 week live program that helps you infuse consent into how you consume, create and market on social media, so you can build an I.C.O.N.I.C brand without leaving behind what you stand for.

"If you consent to following me, you consent to all of me"

A lot of ways we are taught to engage with social media don't hold space for our humanity which is ironic because - we are humans lol. 

This program is meant to open up the conversation around how we can infuse consent into how we market, consume and create online (especially in the digital spotlight)

Some of the things we cover: 
  • The foundations of building a fully immersive brand on the internet that is drenched in what makes you, YOU. 
  • Building sustainable confidence online while taking into account what might feel unsafe (nuances like trauma, lived experience, privilege, financial accessibility) 
  • Breaking up with cult-recruitment tactics & manipulative marketing 
  • Building an online community that honours your boundaries, because you're a human who signed up to share & profit from your art (or work) - you didn't sign up for entitlement to your time, energy and emotions.
If you'd love to know when this program officially opens and get some FREE resources sent your way, enter your email below to join the waitlist!